Tuesday night…

Tuesday was spent reviewing more camera feeds, and talking with those who might have visited the park around the time Dad went missing. They got a chance to talk to some people, and have others they would like to talk to.

They also took time to search some unoccupied buildings that are on the opposite side of the park, away from the entrances. The students that were helping search were fabulous, not having been told what they would be doing and not being dressed for this kind of activity. But they gamely went on and looked through the buildings seeing what they could find.

In the afternoon, The Hope Channel in Ukraine did a press conference today – Randy and several others had a chance to talk about what Dad was there to do, what he was there to help with, and about the search for Dad.

Later, they also spent some time talking to the police and answering more questions they had. The police wanted to get the video feeds that Jeff and the volunteers had gathered for the Union office. But the police have refused to give us the video feeds they have, claiming they need the authorization from a supervisor. But we’ve been asking for this data for days – it’s frustrating how slow and unmotivated the police seem.

While the police have been helping more, it still seems pretty tepid. It is better than it was, but it still seems as much for show as for actually accomplishing things. Much of what is done seems not very thorough, almost haphazard. We wish we knew what to do to really motivate the police to cooperate and step up and work with us closely, instead of doing what appears to be the bare minimum of work and minimal cooperation.

Some time was spent looking at other places that Dad had walked in the past, and though we have absolutely no evidence he was there last Tuesday, we felt it wise to check those places again. None of these are close to the areas that Dad was seen on the security cameras on Tuesday.

They did get a call, late in the day by someone who wanted to share their CCTV feed. But after arriving and getting things setup, they discovered that they didn’t have last Tuesday’s video because it only holds onto a week before overwriting. But Randy says they so wanted to help, and even though the trip was no real help, the warmth and intent of the people to assist and their empathy so clear – he was very touched at the gesture. Even for no real progress, Randy says “…the trip was worth the effort.” [Have I mentioned how frustrating it is, not to have the police assisting in gathering these from many locations in the area, long before now!]

There were a couple of talks they had with people who said they had seen people who had been injured around the date and time Dad disappeared. They had evidently called in to let us know they might be able to help. Yet, after talking to them, it was clear that these incidents were unlikely to have any relationship to Dad’s disappearance. One case the person injured was much younger than Dad, and the other didn’t match in other respects.

Along with many others, Randy & I both fasted and prayed. We appreciate those who joined us. It is a tough choice to make and it is one that you need to make, not as a bargain with God, or because you “should,” but because you believe in your heart that God is asking you to focus on him and his might, not your “awesome” blogging skills or some other “greatness” we bring to the situation.

God’s goodness, his will, and how we can work with God, instead of how he can work around us, should be our focus. What small talents we bring to a task, God can use to much effect, if we put that effort where he wants us to.

But it’s hard letting someone else be in charge, isn’t it? As I’ve said before – when you watch someone else do something, you always feel you know better, have some better angle, and if “they’d just do it this way” all would be better. And I’m sure I do the same with God – probably nearly every day. So, taking time to really talk to God to spend time pondering your congruence with his plan and letting him bend us, if that’s needed, is a good, if less than pleasing, thing.

We continue to follow up on the information we have, and move forward, even when we don’t seem to have a lot of great options.

We are, however, frustrated with the tepid response of the police and wish we know what more we could do to move that area forward. Private individuals and volunteers have done virtually all the hard lifting so far. So it’s hard to feel that, were the police serious, they could bring a lot more resources to bear on this situation.

Continue to pray for us, and for the involvement of the police – we could so use their help, now as much as ever. Pray for wisdom and that we would find God’s way, not our way. Pray for those who have influence over the police and other government resources. And pray for each of the wonderful volunteers who have sacrificed so much of their time and energy. We’d have practically nothing without the kind-hearted people of Ukraine.

Thanks again!


Posted 2013/05/21 11p PT [2013/05/22 9a Kiev Time]

26 thoughts on “Tuesday night…

  1. Kathy Marson

    We appreciate hearing what is being done. I think many of us feel, like you, that we would do things differently. I cling to the promise that He sees every sparrow that falls and knows the number of hairs on our head. He saves our tears in a bottle. Our God is powerful and He knows where Jay Sloop is. Perhaps that knowledge is what trips some people a bit, but God sees the big picture and as we pray for Jay to be found I pray that God will also be found by many who are in Kiev. May this search bring people to Jesus and to live with Him forever, is my prayer.

  2. Harold Burden

    Greg, Randy, and family — how I hurt in my own way, knowing this dear man, Jay Sloop. We were together just a few weeks ago here in Portland at the NPUC Health Ministry weekend. A few years ago, I shared a weekend with him at MiVoden along with Fred Hardinge. I was hospital health educator at Portland Adventist Medical Center for 25 years before beginning my 15 years of volunteering with the CHIP program. Jay has given so much to so many through the years in his ministry, professional, and volunteering with local and conference health evangelism. Thank you for invitation to fasting and prayer which I have been doing for better than a day now — a good thing to clear and focus the mind and heart. So our prayers are with you, trusting in the message of Romans 8:28. I’m so thankful He is in charge of the big picture and I’m convinced that “someday” we will see the full story, BUT right now, and right here, it still hurts! And God feels the hurt more than we do, and He will answer the questions that we can never do here and now. So, may His arms of love encircle you and watch over Jay, just now. With my love and prayers. –Harold

  3. Jim Heinrich

    Greg, I got an email Sunday morning about this and have been praying most waking minutes! Your blogs are a great inspiration and say so much about you, your family, and your God! I got out Union College’s yearbook for 1956, saw a lot of pictures of your Dad, now I see a current photo on your blog. Handsome back then and handsome now! Also noticed that he was President of the graduating class. My wife was a freshman in this yearbook, and my cousin, Roger Heinrich, was in your dad’s graduating class. I have emailed this to him. Our church here in Sun City, AZ meets for prayer and study every Wednes morning at 10 a.m. and I’ll for sure be making this known. May God turn His face toward you and your family!

    Jim Heinrich

  4. Owen Bandy

    Prayed for your family and concerns last night at the Otis Orchards prayer meeting. Will do so again tonight at the Post Falls prayer meeting. God bless you my friend in this difficult journey. May Jesus give you wisdom as to how to carry on with your search.

  5. Toni Nickell

    Prayers continue to ascend for you and your family. I love how my Facebook friends who have no connection are willing to step up and pray. Although I do not know Jay I would assume he would be happy to know that he has brought many to prayer to spend time with Jesus. Thank you for your posts…I check in every morning but please make sure your family gets your attention. We understand. His mercies are new every morning. Praying for His peace to surround you all and that a heavenly fire will be lit under the Kiev authorities. Past experiences remind me that it is very important to ‘look good’ in their eyes. God bless you all and sustain you……

  6. Virginia Davidson

    Continuing to pray—for Dr. Jay and for the searchers, as well as for all of you, his family. Continuing also to fast—i.e. “no pleasant bread”—until Dr. Jay is found or at least definitive answers unearthed as to what happened to him. Continuing to check this site for posts—thank you, Greg, for keeping us all up to date. You’re on my heart and in my prayers.

  7. Nola & Murit Aichele

    We all really do appreciate your updates. I feel it gives us a focus point in our prayers. God does know where he is and He loves Jay even more than any of you. Continuing to pray and trust.

  8. Joyce (Hill) Watterud

    Thanks so much for your updates, Greg. Like some of the family, we feel so helpless from half a world away. All we can do is pray……..and pray is what we continue to do. Love to you and your family.

  9. Juliet Mugadza

    Thank you for your updates Greg. We continue to pray and wait in hope. God is all powerful and has all the knowledge. He is our only trust. Humans fail us but He never will. Most police in third world countries are like that. They want money instead from you in order to do their job when they are actually paid for it. But hold on, God is with you. Dr. Jay is God’s child. God cares for him and was with him at that very moment when it happened. There is a purpose for His delay but He will come through. Prayers, prayers. Take courage.

  10. Colleen Brezo and Family

    Dear Greg, our hearts and prayers go out to you and your family. We continue to pray that your Dad will be found soon with the best results. We wish there were something we could do to help and are thankful for the volunteers doing that work. Let us know if we can be of service here. When we are out of resources, God brings in His.

  11. Darayl & Sandy Larsen

    Thank you for your posts – we check them often and pray for you often. I read this from the SS lesson this morning and thought of you and your family:

    “The faith that strengthened Habakkuk and all the holy and the just in those days of deep trial was the same faith that sustains God’s people today. In the darkest hours, under circumstances the most forbidding, the Christian believer may keep his soul stayed upon the source of all light and power. Day by day, through faith in God, his hope and courage may be renewed.”

  12. Lisa

    Our office team has been praying for your dad and the family, following your blog – knowing how much time it is taking. Thank you for the updates, we continue to pray.

  13. Cheryl Roberts

    Thank you for keeping us informed.

    Hope and Prayers for Dr. Sloop! Praying for his family and friends! Praying
    for the searchers, the police, and all involved in finding this wonderful man!

    Thinking of Dr. Sloop!!

    When overwhelmed and distressed…

    Do small tasks.
    Read the Bible.

    Smile and exercise.
    Love and trust God.
    Organize good thoughts.
    Open your heart and

  14. Lisa

    Praying for you all and for Jay.

    I think one way those feeling a little “helpless” can help is by posting Jay’s story on travel forums for Kiev. You can even find some Ukrainian ones and use Google translate to create a message they can read. I guess you could just post it on any sort of forum for Kiev that you find as well- the more people know, the better right?

  15. Allegra Gienger

    We spend much time in prayer and thinking of all of you. We cannot even imagine what you are all experiencing. but we are confident that each of you has built a solid base of faith, trust and personal experience with your Heavenly Father and we know HE will carry each of you thru this, Even in our asking, we can only put it all into HIS control, We believe God will be proven true and Righteous thru this ordeal as we wait for Jay’s return. We love you and thank all that keep us informed! You are most precious to us! Ed and Allegra Gienger

  16. Nicole Hinman Heisler

    I am praying most for Jay and the Sloop family, then for the searchers and police. But I am also adding prayers for those responsible. May God soften their hearts to release him or come forward with a confession. May God touch their hearts when they hear what a wonderful loved man he is.

  17. Barbara Blake

    Greg, our love and prayers continue for Jay and family.

    Gardell and I send our love and prayers.

  18. Anne Schilperoort

    I appreciate so much the time and care you are taking to update us all so regularly.
    It really does help me to focus my prayers each day for you, for Sharlene, for the volunteers and family members in Kiev, and of course for Dr. Sloop. We rest on the promise that God guides the steps of the righteous man and that even now, the Holy Spirit is praying with wisdom as we utter our concerns. May His strength surround and comfort each of you.

  19. Julie (Sloan) Gearhart

    thank you for taking time to keep us updated as to what is occurring as it gives us specific requests when we talk with God. We are praying for Dr. Jay’s health and safety, for all of his family and everyone involved in the search. Also a special prayer that law enforcement and other officials will take this incident seriously and become actively involved, using their tools and technology in searching for Dr. Jay. Above all we pray that God’s will is accomplished.
    Thoughts & Prayers,
    Julie (& Ruth Sloan)

  20. Lori Ann Wilkinson

    Sloop Family, we are all so heart-broken since the news of Dr. Sloop’s disappearance. We are all praying for him and for each one of you. May God give you strength, hope and peace, and may this situation be resolved soon. Sending much love and continuous prayers, Rick and Lori Ann Wilkinson

  21. Gloria Opp

    How heart wrenching it must be to go day after day with nothing new. We continue to pray for Jay and for you and the rest of his family. I read your blogs and the comments and weep. Thank God for His Word and for His precious promises, without which we could not go on.
    Isaiah 26:3 comes to mind, “Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on You.” And I pray, “Lord, help us all to keep our minds stayed on you and to trust You implicitly that we may have Your perfect peace.”

  22. Carl and Jeanette (Weaver) Sullivan

    Our daily and moment-by-moment prayers continue for Jay, Sharlene, all the family and those involved in any way in the search for Jay. With David of old we pray, “Hear my (our) cry, O God; attend unto my (our)
    prayer(s).” Psalm 61:1

  23. Jed and Jodi Genson

    There are many prayers offered up in your behalf. We are praying for specific needs that you may have now such as, for peace to keep your spirits calm; for patience as you wait for any information; for comfort for your troubled hearts through this whole ordeal; and for faith to continue to trust Him when darkest thoughts assail you; trust Him, when your faith is small. Trust Him, when simply to trust is the hardest thing of all. Be of good courage, Sloop family! You are not alone! The whole world is praying, watching, and waiting with you.

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