Помогите в поиске Джея Слупа / Help find Jay Sloop

Russian [English follows]

Если вы пропустите время 8а, наступит тогда, когда вы можете!
Помогите в поиске Джея Слупа
Пятница, 17 мая
Время: 8 утра
Где: офис Униона на Лукьяновской
Адрес: ул. Лукьяновская 9/10А (также известна как ул. Лукьяновская, 9Б)

Пожалуйста, помогите в поиске Джея Слупа – примите участие в прочесывании территории вокруг Замковой Горы на Подоле. Место организационного сбора – 8:00 в пятницу 17 мая возле Унона.

Если возможно, пожалуйста, планируете остаться на весь день, пока поиск не закончится. Возьмите с собой еду и воду. Оденьтесь в удобную одежду для прохождения сквозь парковые рощи и заросли. Мы планируем прочесать Замковую Гору опять – каждый участок и очень тщательно.

После просмотра камер видеонаблюдения – очевидно, что Джей вошел на территорию во вторник утром и так и не вышел (ни тем же путем, ни с другой стороны).

Прочесывание этой территории на данный момент – лучший вариант. Милиция не сбирается привлекать службы спасения, поэтому это единственная надежда и шанс найти Джея живым. Пожалуйста, придите, помогите!

Если будут какие-нибудь изменения, мы сообщим об этом здесь в блоге, чтобы держать вас в курсе дела. И если только вы не прочтете здесь, что поиск отменяется, знайте – мы очень в вас нуждаемся. Пожалуйста, придите!

English version:
Come help search for Jay Sloop
Friday, May 17
Time: 8 AM
Where: SDA union office
Please meet on Friday morning 8a.
Meet at the Union Office, Luk’yanovskaya ulitsa, 9/10B

If possible, please plan to stay all day.
Bring food and water for the day.
Be dressed to walk through wooded areas during the search.
We are planning to search Zamkova gora park again – every part, very carefully,

After reviewing security cameras – they show Jay entering park on Tuesday morning and do not show him leaving.

Searching here is the best option available. Police will not call out emergency services, so this is one of the last best hopes to find Jay alive. Please come.

If conditions change, we will update this blog to let you know we don’t need you. Unless you read specific instructions here asking you not to come, please assume your help is needed.

7 thoughts on “Помогите в поиске Джея Слупа / Help find Jay Sloop

  1. Howard Munson

    We are praying for Jay in all of our faculty worships, our worship groups; and my wife and I are keeping him and the family in our prayers.

  2. Bill Taylor

    My Karen worked for Randy and Christine work years and I’m sure you’ve met her. We’ve ready the reports and we are praying everyday for Dr. Jays safe return. Greg I might be able to get you to some folks that might be able to help. Didn’t want to step on toes if you have made contact but if you’d like me to, I will make some calls…Please respond to my email address above and I’ll start calling in the AM my time.


    Bill Taylor

  3. Ella Jones

    Dear family, our prayers with you! Days and days I am thinking of Dr. Jay and his family. I cannot even imagine their reality. Lord, please be with them. Reveal your plans. Bring peace to everyone. You are a great God! Friends in Kiev, please please help this precious family to find his beloved one. Do not be indifferent! And how can anyone be indifferent! We are praying for you here in Wenatchee. Ella Jones.

  4. Tammy Baker

    Greg, many have been praying, Sandy Collins called last night so she and friends are praying too. At his church they said any accurate info. would be transmitted. Last night at yet another prayer group I was told his credit cards had been used. Is that true?

    Youre dad is a very special friend to me and I would be more than happy to make him another huckleberry cobbler.

  5. Liana St Clair

    We have been praying since they day he went missing! We are still praying for Dr. Sloop, the family and wisdom for the search, here in Ellensburg as well as a prayer chain in Vancouver. Liana & Brian St.Clair

  6. manjula sant

    We are keeping my friends in prayers to find Randy’s Dad, his missing in Ukraine, Kiev…..Good chance that he has been kidnapped….please keep him in prayers finding him….God Bless….California…

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